Friday, 26 May 2017

You Are Someone Like Me

When I cried,
you wailed.

When I smiled,
you rejoiced.

You repented for every time, at me, you yelled.
 With your warm love, my shivering hands you held.

With tears brimming my eyes,
I sat alone in a cramped room.
Reclusively in the dark,
I kept blaming my doom.

Always for my fears,
you were all ears.
In each step that I trod,
I met you.
In every dilemma,
you said, "I'm here for you."

Nothing can separate you from me
because, my sister, you're a part of me!
Yes, my sweetheart, you're someone like me...  

Amrit Versha

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Dear Almighty

God, you are so divine.
Please let my fate shine.

My life has a series of twists and turns.
They etch my soul with the scars of burns.

Happiness seems like a fiction.
Maybe I’ve got a malediction.

Downers in my heart form an array.
Lights go dark and optimism becomes dismay.

At times, my heart remains in a haze.
Bitter memories set me ablaze.

My nights suffer in the fire of pain.
My birth is passing in vain.

Come and make my pains pacified.
Let my obsessions get nullified.

Dear Almighty, you are so benign.
Show your pity as I am not malign.
Amrit Versha

Friday, 12 May 2017

To My Envious Critics

When you call me bad, 
I don't utter a word.
When you try to make me sad,
I don't utter a word.
I know you want me to suffer.
That's why, I don't say anything.
I nod and accept your offer.
 I do so because I know everything.

All your taunts I will bear.
I will remain silent.
I will never say anything, I swear.
I will never be violent.
You will keep pulling my leg.
But I will remain silent.
For sympathy, I won't beg.
And I will never be violent.

I know what you believe in is falsehood.
So, no expressions I will show.
The victory of truth is real; yet, you haven't understood.
That is all about you I know.
It is my failure that you have always wanted.
Still no expressions I will show.
It is you who will fail, and I will remain undaunted.
That is all about you I know.

I know you want me to quit.
Instead, I will win, and you will wipe your brow.
You will just dream, but I will achieve it.
You will fall, and forever, I will grow and grow.

      Amrit Versha

Saturday, 6 May 2017

My Lost Smile

The day when you said, “Goodbye,”
my eyes looked like a cloudy sky.
A sky that fiercely burns and showers...
A sky that rains for hours and hours...

You, with a smile, bid me adieu.
But I kept waiting for you.
Pale I look like a dried leaf.
Bitter I've become because of grief.

Ups and downs, oh God, waver me on my ways.
Curves of my path appear like a scary maze.
For so long, I've kept shedding tears
 that I've settled down with my fears.
But, what I am doing is not apt.
At dealing with life, I have to be adept.

Even at nights, one can see moon shining,
just as every cloud has a silver lining.
For making things all right,
I have to get up and fight.
By the nectar of ecstasy, I will be drenched.
My thirst for smile will soon be quenched. 

   Amrit Versha

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

The Pouring Sky


In the kingdom of sky, clouds begin their battle.
Weapons are of fire, not of metal.
I guess it is the enmity of years.
Mothers in the realm shed gallons of tears.
Envious clouds fight all day and night.
They forget what is wrong and what is right.

Behind rainfall, there might be no science.
It might be a result of conflict and defiance. 
But, for us, monsoon is a lovely season.
To be happy, it gives us a reason.

Fragrance diffuses in the air.
Rain patters here and there.
Hearts liven up with the pure breeze.
Icy water makes the outside freeze.
Lovebirds fly in the air of romance.
Muddy roads make us want to dance.
Monsoon, on the Earth, is always awaited
as it makes the people feel so elated.

Amrit Versha

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

You're My Gardener

I was a little flower;
you helped me to bloom.
Your heart is like a river;
it knows the ways to groom.

You possess innate glare.
It brightened my pathways.
You apprised me of my flair
in my hopeless, hard days.

All your life, how hard you struggled!
You remained stoical and you never sighed.
With loads of work, you always juggled.
But, at all my glances, you just smiled.

Mom, I know that you are downcast.
There is a lot in the journey that you have lost.
Within your heart of hearts, there is a desert, which is vast.
But, trust me, mom! You need not exhaust.
By the mercy of God, your flower will blossom.
It will paint your life with its colour and shade.
Your struggle will cease and days will be awesome.
Believe me, mom! You will get zeal, which will never fade.

     Amrit Versha

Society and Comparison

Even before the advent of social media, society has always managed to keep us pissed off. Don't most of our problems exist because we ca...